Application Performance Snapshot User Guide for Linux* OS

ID 772048
Date 10/31/2024

Function Summary for All Ranks

Key:-f [--functions]

This charts provides information about all functions used in the application.


| Function summary for all ranks
|           Function        Time(sec)          Time(%)        Idle(sec)          Idle(%)       Volume(MB)        Volume(%)            Calls
         MPI_Barrier            92.40            36.20            91.79            35.96             0.00             0.00             7788
         MPI_Waitall            91.70            35.93            12.53             4.91             0.00             0.00         11733612
            MPI_Init            37.57            14.72             0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00               44
           MPI_Isend            15.97             6.26             0.00             0.00         50469.13            97.36         18400506
        MPI_Finalize            10.92             4.28             0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00               44
           MPI_Irecv             6.57             2.58             0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00         18400506
| [filtered out 7 lines]
| TOTAL                        255.24           100.00           104.39            40.90         51837.71           100.00         48543557

Chart Entries

Function Function name
Time(sec) Total time of the function execution in all ranks (in seconds)
Time(%) Percentage of the function execution time in the application lifetime
Idle(sec) The time when the collective operation was idle (in seconds)
Idle(%) Percentage of the time when the operation was idle