Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-1915DF05-4DB5-46B6-A13F-34A660400BDF
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-1915DF05-4DB5-46B6-A13F-34A660400BDF
SYCL Basic Code: parallel_for
In this section, we will explain parallel_for, which is a core concept in SYCL designed to facilitate parallel execution of code across a range of processing elements, such as GPU threads or CPU cores. Essentiallyparallel_fordistributes work across multiple processing elements for parallel execution and allows developers to express parallelism easily . The equivalent of parallel_for in standard C++ would be std::for_each. With parallel_for, programmers only have to define a function or a lambda expression that represents the work to be done in parallel while maintaining code portability.
Here's an example of how parallel_for works (solution of previous section):
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
using namespace sycl;
int main() {
queue Q; // The queue, Q, is the object that
// submits the task to a device.
int const size = 10;
buffer<int> A{ size }; // The buffer, A, is the memory used to
// transfer data between host and device.
Q.submit([&](handler& h) { // The handler, h, is the object that contains
// the parallel_for function to be used.
accessor A_acc(A, h); // The accessor, A_acc, is the object that
// efficiently accesses the buffer elements.
h.parallel_for(range<1>(size), [=](id<1> indx) {
A_acc[indx] = 77;
host_accessor result(A); // host_accessor is the object that allows
// the host to access the buffer memory.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) // Print output
std::cout << result[i] << " "; std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
Note that
h.parallel_for(range<1>(size), [=](id<1> indx) {
A_acc[indx] = 77;
is where parallel_for is presented within the code and, as it happened with single_task, parallel_for is also provided by the handler h. Let's explain these components:
h.parallel_for: This line initiates a parallel computation using the parallel_for construct. It means that the enclosed code block will be executed in parallel across multiple processing elements (e.g., CPU cores or GPU threads). The h is the handler, which manages the execution of SYCL tasks on a specific device.
range<1>(size): This part specifies the range of work items for the parallel computation. In this case, it's a 1D range defined by range<1> with a size of size=10. The range defines how many times the enclosed code block will execute in parallel meaning that in this case the code block will be executed 10 times concurrently, each time with a different value of indx ranging from 0 to 9.
[=](id<1> indx) { A_acc[indx] = 77; }: This is a lambda function that represents the work to be performed in parallel. The lambda function takes an id<1> argument named indx, which represents the unique identifier of the current work item. Inside the lambda function, the code sets the value at the indx-th position of the array A_acc to 77. In essence, each parallel instance will update a different element of the A_acc array to the value 77.
Note that it is not the buffer, A, that is modified inside the SYCL kernel function, but the accessor, A_acc, which manages the access and usage of the buffer memory.