Test Engine FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817758
Date 11/04/2024

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Document Table of Contents

5.4. System Console library

Interact with Test Engine IP on hardware.


This library provides System Console functions to interact with Test Engine IP on hardware over a JTAG connection.

Getting Started


  1. Ensure the Test Engine IP's "Configuration interface" parameter is set to "Remote access via JTAG"
    • Design Examples set this value by default

  2. Ensure the design is programmed on the board

Usage in command line

Run the below command:
system-console --script=testengine_library.tcl --sof=ed_synth.sof --update=1 --n-loops=4
This shortcut command discovers Test Engine's JTAG node and runs the following sequence:
  1. Reset Test Engine

  2. Reprogram the compiled traffic program

  3. Run traffic

  4. Print status after traffic completes

  5. Repeat the above steps in a loop

Usage in interactive console

  1. Open System Console from the Quartus(R) Prime software by clicking Tools → System Debugging Tools → System Console

  2. Load the SOF file into System Console
    • Via GUI: Click File → Load Design → <.sof filename>

    • Via Console:
      design_load <.sof filename>
  3. Load the library by entering the following command in System Console:
    source <path to library>/testengine_library.tcl
    The library will automatically discover and claim Test Engine's JTAG node. You can access the claimed JTAG path via $claim_testengine_jamb_path.
  4. Invoke the functions provided by this library to interact with Test Engine


This library is limited to designs with 64 or less Test Engine drivers.

This library does not support access to multiple Test Engine instances in the same design.