Test Engine FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817758
Date 11/04/2024

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Document Table of Contents

5.3. User programs

Software programs for every driver type.


The Design Example software scripts provide the following:
  • Tutorial programs demonstrating usage of the software APIs to describe traffic patterns

  • Programs for AXI traffic patterns used by memory IP (such as EMIF, HBM, MemSS) design examples.

Getting Started

Run the below command to get details on the available script options:
quartus_py main.py --help
Run the below command with sample options to compile the default traffic programs and output the binary:
quartus_py main.py --ipdir=<parent dir containing .qsys and .ip files> --prog=tut1_block_rw

You can use these scripts as a template to create your own traffic programs.

Script Options

–ipdir=<IP Directory>

Directory containing .qsys and .ip files. (Default: main.py script location)

The Test Engine Python Library requires parameter information of its IP instance. Traffic program compilation will fail if no Test Engine IP instance is found in the specified directory.

–prog=<Traffic Program(s)>

Name of traffic program to use for all Memory AXI4 Drivers. (Default: tut1_block_rw)

You can also provide a comma-delimited list of traffic to select a program per driver. Example: prog=my_prog0,my_prog1,my_prog2,... Using the example above, per-driver traffic pattern selection will map to each driver as follows:
  • Driver 0:my_prog0, Driver 1:my_prog1, Driver 2:my_prog2, etc.

An error will occur in the following cases:
  • A comma-delimited list of programs does not match the number of drivers

  • A program does not exist for a driver type

–outdir=<Output Directory>

Output directory path for generated binary files. (Default: ./bin)


The tutorial programs are not guaranteed to work with all example designs. They are only provided to showcase the usage of the software APIs.