GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 813978
Date 12/13/2024

3.1.4. IOPLL

The IOPLL generates the clock required to generate frame_clk and link_clk. The reference clock to the PLL is configurable but limited to the data rate/factor of 33 for FCLK_MULP=2 and data rate/factor of 66 for FCLK_MULP=1.
  • For design example that supports data rate of 17.16 Gbps, the clock rate for frame_clk and link_clk is 260 MHz.
  • For design example that supports data rate of 16.22016 Gbps, the clock rate for frame_clk and link_clk is 245.76 MHz.