AN 1002: Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems

ID 786899
Date 10/02/2023
Document Table of Contents

4.3. Step 3: Connect Components in the System

The Connections column in the System View tab displays the potential connection points between components, represented as a connection dot between connecting wires. A filled dot shows that a connection is made; an open dot shows an unconnected connection point. Clicking the connection dot toggles the connection status. Follow these steps to implement the connections for the system.

  1. Click inside the open connection dot to enable the connection between the out_interface of the reset_bridge and the reset input of all other components. When you make a connection, Platform Designer changes the connection line to black, and fills the connection dot. Clicking a filled-in dot removes the connection.
    Figure 10. Potential and Implemented Connection

  2. Repeat step 1 to specify the following component connections:
    Table 3.  Subsystem Component Connections
    Module Name Interface Connect To
    dp_mgmt_clk out_clk






    clk_16 out_clk dp.aux_clk
    dp_mgmt_bridge m0


  3. To export an interface, double-click in the component's Export column, and retain the default name for the exported interface. Export the following interfaces:
    • Clock inputs and reset inputs: tx_vid_clk and rx_vid_clk
    • dp_mgmt_bridge.s0 and pio_0 and pio_1 external connections
  4. Click the Sync System Infos button. At this point you can safely ignore any clock warnings.
  5. If Platform Designer indicates that there are addressing errors, click System > Assign Base Addresses.
  6. To save the Platform Designer system changes, click File > Save.
  7. To generate the HDL for the subsystem, click the Generate HDL button.