Visible to Intel only — GUID: xxz1658404863388
1. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series General-Purpose I/O Overview
2. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series GPIO-B Banks
3. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series HPS I/O Banks
4. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series SDM I/O Banks
5. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series I/O Troubleshooting Guidelines
6. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP
7. Programmable I/O Features Description
8. Documentation Related to the Intel Agilex® 7 General-Purpose I/O User Guide: M-Series
9. Document Revision History for the Intel Agilex® 7 General-Purpose I/O User Guide: M-Series
2.5.1. I/O Standard Placement Restrictions for True Differential I/Os
2.5.2. VREF Sources and Input Standards Grouping
2.5.3. GPIO-B Pin Restrictions for External Memory Interfaces
2.5.4. RZQ Pin Requirement
2.5.5. I/O Standards Implementation Based on VCCIO_PIO Voltages
2.5.6. I/O Standard Selection and I/O Bank Supply Compatibility Check
2.5.7. Simultaneous Switching Noise
2.5.8. HPS Shared I/O Requirements
2.5.9. Clocking Requirements
2.5.10. SDM Shared I/O Requirements
2.5.11. Unused Pins
2.5.12. Voltage Setting for Unused GPIO-B Banks
2.5.13. GPIO-B Pins During Power Sequencing
2.5.14. Drive Strength Requirement for GPIO-B Input Pins
2.5.15. Maximum DC Current Restrictions
2.5.16. 1.05 V, 1.1 V, or 1.2 V I/O Interface Voltage Level Compatibility
2.5.17. Connection to True Differential Signaling Input Buffers During Device Reconfiguration
2.5.18. LVSTL700 I/O Standards Differential Pin Pair Requirements
2.5.19. Implementing a Pseudo Open Drain
2.5.20. Allowed Duration for Using RT OCT
2.5.21. Single-Ended Strobe Signal Differential Pin Pair Restriction
6.1. Release Information for GPIO Intel® FPGA IP
6.2. Generating the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP
6.3. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Parameter Settings
6.4. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Interface Signals
6.5. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Architecture
6.6. Verifying Resource Utilization and Design Performance
6.7. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Timing
6.8. GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Design Examples
Visible to Intel only — GUID: xxz1658404863388
2.5.6. I/O Standard Selection and I/O Bank Supply Compatibility Check
- Select a suitable signaling type and I/O standard for each I/O pin. The I/O banks are located in rows along the top periphery and bottom periphery of the device. Each I/O bank has two sub-banks. Each sub-bank has its own PLL, DPA and SERDES circuitries, and individual VCCIO_PIO voltage rail.
- Ensure that the selected I/O standard is supported in the targeted I/O sub-bank.
- Place I/O pins that share the same VCCIO_PIO voltage levels in the same I/O sub-bank.
- Verify that all output signals in each I/O sub-bank are intended to drive out at the sub-bank's I/O voltage level.
- Verify that all voltage-referenced signals in each I/O lane are intended to use the same VREF source by adhering to the voltage-referenced input standards grouping per I/O lane.
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