FPGA AI Suite: IP Reference Manual

ID 768974
Date 12/16/2024
Document Table of Contents Parameter Group: input_stream_interface

Enable and configure the width of the input AXI4-Stream interface. If enabled, input streaming requires that the layout transform is also enabled. Neural network graphs compiled with an input streaming-enabled architecture cannot be sliced in the input layer, therefore the stream buffer depth must be large enough to fit the input layer.

Parameter: input_stream_interface/enable

Enables the input streaming module. Enable_layout_transform must also be true, and the transform must be configured for the target neural network graph.

Legal values:
true, false

Parameter: input_stream_interface/data_width

Sets the width of the AXI4-streaming input bus in bits.

Legal values:
2 n where n is 4 or greater.

Parameter: input_stream_interface/fifo_depth

Sets the depth of the input FIFO

Legal values:
2 n where n is 4 or greater.

For best performance, set the fifo_depth value to the size of one transformed input (refer to Input Transform Mapping) For example, if the transformed input is 32×28×28×x1 and the c_vector size is 16, set fifo_depth to 2048.

For example, an architecture with a 128-bit input AXI streaming interface would include the following options:
input_stream_interface {
 enable: true
 data_width: 128
 fifo_depth: 2048