FPGA AI Suite: IP Reference Manual

ID 768974
Date 2/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

4.4. FPGA AI Suite Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Splitter Utility Example Application

To learn more about how to use the files generated by the AOT splitter utility, review the dla_aot_splitter_example example application. This example application uses a PCIe interface to interact with either the Terasic* DE10-Agilex Development Board.

Building the AOT Splitter Utility Example Application

You build the AOT splitter utility example application with the build_runtime.sh script with the -aot_splitter_example option.

The CMake build for the example runs the dla_compiler command on a model and the dla_aot_splitter command on the compiled model and model input.

The example application is built for a specific target board as follows:
  • Terasic* DE10-Agilex Development Board
    export AOT_SPLITTER_EXAMPLE_MODEL=<path/to/model.xml>
    export AOT_SPLITTER_EXAMPLE_INPUT=<path/to/image.bmp>
    sh build_runtime.sh -aot_splitter_example -target_de10_agilex

Running the AOT Splitter Utility Example Application

Remember: The AOT splitter utility example application supports only the Terasic* DE10-Agilex Development Board.

After you build the example application, you can review its source code to learn how to apply the files generated by the splitter to your system.

Run the example application with the following commands:
cd $COREDLA_ROOT/runtime/build_Release/dla_aot_splitter/