2024.12.16 |
2024.3 |
- Various minor corrections and typo fixes.
2024.09.06 |
2024.3 |
- Updated descriptions for the --fanalayze-area compiler option to indicate that the option now generates a .ptc file to use with the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator to see power usage estimates for an architecture.
- Replaced occurrences of "memoryless" with "DDR-free".
2024.07.31 |
2024.2 |
- Revised "Compiler Use Modes".
- Removed "Estimating the Performance of a Partitions of a Graph". This use mode is no longer supported.
- Added "Generating Artifacts for Memoryless Operation".
- Revised "Analyzer Tool Options (dla_compiler) Command Options" to remove the following command options:
- --est-fps-single-subgraph
- --est-fps-network-index
- --est-fps-subgraph-index
- Added "Compiler Inputs and Outputs" chapter and moved the following topics into that chapter:
- " FPGA AI Suite Input File Formats" (formerly "Input File Formats for the dla_compiler Command").
- " FPGA AI Suite Compiler Graph Export Formats" (formerly "Generation of Output File Formats".
- "The Partitioning Table Report".
- Added "Model Analysis Reports".
2024.03.29 |
2024.1 |
- Added a description of the --fmin-subgraph-layers option to "Compilation Options (dla_compiler Command Options)".
- Updated the description of the --fanalyze-performance option in "Analyzer Tool Options (dla_compiler Command Options)".
- Updated the description of the performance estimator in "Estimating the Performance of a Graph"
- Updated the example command in "Generating an Architecture for Highest Performance".
2023.12.01 |
2023.3 |
- Maintenance release. No major changes.
2023.09.06 |
2023.2.1 |
- Maintenance release. No major changes.
2023.07.03 |
2023.2 |
- Updated "Generating an Architecture for Highest Performance".
- Updated "Architecture Optimization Options (dla_compiler Command Options)".
2023.04.05 |
2023.1 |
- Updated "Reporting (dla_compiler Command Options)".
- Renamed the dlac command. The FPGA AI Suite compiler command is now dla_compiler.
- Updated the Intel® Agilex™ product family name to "Intel Agilex® 7."
2022.12.23 |
2022.2 |
2022.05.26 |
2022.1.1 |
- Added note that the architecture optimizer supports only interleaves 1xN and Nx1.
2022.04.27 |
2022.1 |
- Removed some command options that were not implemented.
- Added Agilex™ 7 device information where appropriate.
2021.09.10 |
2021.2 |
2021.04.30 |
2021.1 |
- Improved information formatting and corrected the names of some command options.
2020.12.04 |
2020.2 |
- The following dlac command options have been renamed:
- --plugins_file is now --plugins-file
- --network_file is now --network-file
- --network_weightings is now --network-weightings
2020.10.30 |
2020.1 |