MACsec Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 736108
Date 12/04/2023

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Document Table of Contents Encrypt Port Demux Management Interface

Note: This interface is for future use.
Table 17.  Encrypt Port Demux Management Interface
Signal Name Width Direction Description
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_awaddr 25 Input Connect to 25'h0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_awvalid 1 Input Connect to 1'b0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_wdata 32 Input Connect to 32'h0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_wstrb 4 Input Connect to 4'h0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_wvalid 1 Input Connect to 1'b0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_bready 1 Input Connect to 1'b0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_araddr 25 Input Connect to 25'h0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_arvalid 1 Input Connect to 1'b0
tx_demux_app_pp_lite_rready 1 Input Connect to 1'b0
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_awready 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_wready 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_bresp 2 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_bvalid 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_arready 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_rdata 32 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_rvalid 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_lite_rresp 2 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_rst_rdy 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_cold_rst_ack_n 1 Output Do not connect
tx_demux_pp_app_warm_rst_ack_n 1 Output Do not connect