AN 971: JTAG-Over-Protocol Intel FPGA IP

ID 728673
Date 6/14/2022

2. JTAG-Over-Protocol Intel® FPGA IP Parameters

The JTAG-Over-Protocol (JOP) Intel® FPGA IP is available in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition IP Catalog: IP Catalog > Basic Functions > Simulation; Debug and Verification > Debug and Performance > JTAG-Over Protocol Intel FPGA IP.

Adding the JOP IP to your project gives you the following dialog box in the IP Parameter Editor:
Figure 3. JTAG-Over-Protocol Intel FPGA IP Parameters
Table 1.  JTAG-Over-Protocol Intel FPGA IP Parameters
Parameter Description
H2T/T2H Memory Size Sets the depth of memories in the JOP IP.
H2T/T2H Memory Width Sets the width of the memories in the JOP IP.

For 64-bit machines, set this parameter to 64 to avoid bus errors when you use the reference software.

Enable use of TCK-ENA When this option is not enabled, the TCK frequency is generated by gating the input clock of the JOP IP.

Closing with timing with a gated clock can cause challenges.

Enable this option to help close timing if you are having problems. However, not all JTAG-based logic works with this option enabled.

Export SLD Endpoints Enable to this option to export the following generated JTAG control signals:
  • TMS
  • TDI
  • TDO

Enabling this option stops connections between the JOP IP and the JTAG based logic that are made by Quartus synthesis.

The JOP IP interface consists of the following elements:
  • Clock signal
  • Reset signal
  • Avalon® memory-mapped interface agent interface

    The Avalon® memory-mapped interface interface data width is determined by the H2T/T2H Memory Width parameter of the JOP IP.

Run the JTAG-Over-Protocol IP on a clock signal operating at 100 MHz or lower.