Visible to Intel only — GUID: ddo1713322839395
1. About the Nios® V Embedded Processor
2. Nios® V Processor Hardware System Design with Quartus® Prime Software and Platform Designer
3. Nios® V Processor Software System Design
4. Nios® V Processor Configuration and Booting Solutions
5. Nios® V Processor - Using the MicroC/TCP-IP Stack
6. Nios® V Processor Debugging, Verifying, and Simulating
7. Nios® V Processor — Remote System Update
8. Nios® V Processor — Using Custom Instruction
9. Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook Archives
10. Document Revision History for the Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook
2.1. Creating Nios® V Processor System Design with Platform Designer
2.2. Integrating Platform Designer System into the Quartus® Prime Project
2.3. Designing a Nios® V Processor Memory System
2.4. Clocks and Resets Best Practices
2.5. Assigning a Default Agent
2.6. Assigning a UART Agent for Printing
2.7. JTAG Signals
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Linking Applications
4.3. Nios® V Processor Booting Methods
4.4. Introduction to Nios® V Processor Booting Methods
4.5. Nios® V Processor Booting from On-Chip Flash (UFM)
4.6. Nios® V Processor Booting from General Purpose QSPI Flash
4.7. Nios® V Processor Booting from Configuration QSPI Flash
4.8. Nios® V Processor Booting from On-Chip Memory (OCRAM)
4.9. Nios® V Processor Booting from Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
4.10. Summary of Nios® V Processor Vector Configuration and BSP Settings
4.11. Reducing Nios® V Processor Booting Time Enabling Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Adding Signals for Monitoring and Debugging Specifying Trigger Conditions Assigning the Acquisition Clock, Sample Depth, and Memory Type, and Buffer Acquisition Mode Compiling the Design and Programming the Target Device
6.6.1. Prerequisites
6.6.2. Setting Up and Generating Your Simulation Environment in Platform Designer
6.6.3. Creating Nios V Processor Software
6.6.4. Generating Memory Initialization File
6.6.5. Generating System Simulation Files
6.6.6. Running Simulation in the QuestaSim Simulator Using Command Line
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ddo1713322839395
6.1.1. Pilot System with Non-pipelined Nios V/m Processor
Altera recommends to use the non-pipelined Nios® V/m processor to allow full debugging capabilities. The architecture performance of a non-pipelined Nios® V/m processor is similar to the Nios® V/c processor, at the expense of bigger logic size.
Feature | Nios® V/c Processor | Non-pipelined Nios® V/m Processor |
Debug Module | — | Supported |
Processor CSR | — | Supported |
Interrupt and Exceptions | — | Supported |
Logic Size (ALM) 11 | x1 | x1.5 |
DMIPS/Mhz Performance11 | x1 | x1 |
CoreMark/MHz Performance11 | x1 | x1 |
Internal Timer | — | Supported |
You can utilize Nios® V/m processor to debug Nios® V/c processor:
- Start the processor system using non-pipelined Nios® V/m processor.
- Turn on Enable Debug
- Turn off Enable Pipelining in CPU
- Ensure there is no interrupt or exception in the Nios® V/m processor system. Do not connect to the Interrupt Receiver on the processor.
Note: To implement a JTAG UART Intel® FPGA IP without interrupt, you can enable the small JTAG UART driver in the BSP Editor to apply polled operation. Ensure that the compile definition (ALTERA_AVALON_JTAG_UART_SMALL) is found in the toolchain.cmake.Figure 172. Nios® V/m Processor System with No InterruptFigure 173. Enable Small JTAG UART Driver in BSP Editor
- Develop the Nios® V processor software application in baremetal ( Intel® HAL).
- Program the design SOF file onto the Intel® FPGA device.
- Download the application ELF file into the Nios® V processor system.
- Perform design verification and debugging with the Nios® V/m processor core.
- Verify that the Nios® V/m processor is working successfully, then replace the Nios® V/m processor with Nios® V/c processor.
- Right-click the Nios® V/m processor, click Replace > Nios V/c Processor Intel FPGA IP.
- Reconfigure the same assignment in the IP Parameter Editor.
- Address any possible errors.
- Click Sync System Infos.
Figure 174. Nios® V/c Processor Replacement - Implement booting Nios® V/c processor from On-Chip Memory.
- Recreate the application BSP, APP, and ELF.
- Program the memory-initialized design SOF file onto the Intel® FPGA device.
- Power cycle the Intel® FPGA device.
Related Information
11 Relative to the Nios® V/c processor.