Security User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005

ID 683877
Date 8/25/2020

3.7.1. Signing OpenCL* Images

Signing OpenCL* bitstreams requires some additional steps because the AFU to be signed is inside the *.aocx file derived from an OpenCL* compile. In the following steps described below, you accomplish the following:
  1. Extract the AFU from the *.aocx file
  2. Sign the AFU (*.gbs).
  3. Pack the signed AFU back into the *.aocx file.

After you have generated the keys and have a compiled the *.aocx file for your OpenCL* kernel, follow the steps below to create a signed *.aocx.

  1. Source the script to initialize the environment for Intel Acceleration Stack and OpenCL* .
    source <DEV install path>/
  2. Copy the *.aocx file and rename it at a new location to follow the signing procedure. In this example, the file is renamed <signed_file_name>.aocx. By doing renaming at a new location, you are able to keep an unsigned copy of the *.aocx file if you need to start the signing process over again. Review the contents of the *.aocx file in the compile directory:
    aocl binedit <signed_file_name>.aocx list
  3. Extract the *.bin file from the *.aocx that contains the AFU and list the contents of it:
    aocl binedit <signed_file_name>.aocx get .acl.fpga.bin <temp_filename>.fpga.bin
    aocl binedit <temp_filename>.fpga.bin list
  4. Extract the *.gzip compressed *.gbs file from the *.bin and uncompress it to get the *.gbs file.
    aocl binedit <temp_filename>.fpga.bin get .acl.gbs.gz <file_name>.gbs.gz
    gunzip <file_name>.gbs.gz
  5. Sign the *.gbs using the PACSign tool :
    Using OpenSSL:
    PACSign PR -t UPDATE -H openssl_manager -r <path_to_key>/<root_public_key_name>.pem -k <path_to_key>/<csk_public_key_name>.pem -i 
    <path_to_gbs_file>/<file_name>.gbs -o <signed_file_name>.gbs
    Using pkcs11_manager:
    PACSign PR -t UPDATE -H pkcs11_manager -C softhsm.json -r root_key -k csk_1 -i <file_name>.gbs -o <signed_file_name>.gbs
  6. Compress the signed *.gbs file:
    gzip <signed_file_name>.gbs -r
  7. Add the signed *.gbs gzip compressed file to fpga.bin :
    aocl binedit <temp_filename>.fpga.bin set .acl.gbs.gz <signed_file_name>.gbs.gz 
  8. Add the fpga.bin file back into *.aocx file. The *.aocx formed after this step is a signed file.
    aocl binedit <signed_file_name>.aocx set .acl.fpga.bin <temp_filename>.fpga.bin 
  9. Program this *.aocx with the following command :
    aocl program <device_name> <signed_file_name>.aocx