Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683846
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents Packaging Object Files into a Library File

Gather the object files into a library file so that others can incorporate the library into their projects and call the functions that are contained in the objects in the library. To package object files into a library, use the fpga_libtool command.

Before you package object files into a library, ensure that you have the path information for all of the object files that you want to include in the library.

All objects that you want to package into a library must have the same version number (for example, Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition version 19.3). The fpga_libtool command creates libraries encapsulated in operating system-specific archive files (.a on Linux and .lib on Windows). You cannot use libraries created on one operating system with an Intel® high-level design product running on a different operating system.

Create the OpenCL library file using the following command:

fpga_libtool --target target_HLD_tool --create library_name object_file_1 [object_file_2 ... object_file_n]
Where the command parameters are defined as follows:
Table 11.  Parameters of the fpga_libtool Command
Parameter Description
The target Intel® high-level design tool for this library. This parameter can have one of the following values:
  • aoc

    Target this library for kernels developed with the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ . Libraries built for the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ are not operating system-specific. The objects are created as Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ object files (.aoclib).

  • hls

    Target this library for components developed with the Intel® HLS Compiler. Libraries built for the Intel® HLS Compiler are encapsulated in operating system-specific archive files (.a on Linux and .lib on Windows).


The name of the library file.

Specify the file extension of the library files as follows, depending on the target high-level design tool:
  • Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™

    Specify .aoclib as the file extension for an OpenCL* library. OpenCL* libraries are not operating-system specific.

  • Intel® HLS Compiler

    Specify the operating-system specific archive extension:

    • .a for Linux-platform libraries.
    • .lib for Windows-platform libraries.

You can specify one or more object files to include in the library.

For example, the following command packages three Linux-platform objects (prim1.o, prim2.o, and prim3.o) into an OpenCL library called libdemo:
fpga_libtool --create libdemo.a prim1.o prim2.o prim3.o --target aoc