Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683846
Date 9/26/2022

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7.3. Compiling and Linking Your Kernels or Object Files without Building Hardware (-rtl)

To direct the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler to compile your OpenCL™ kernels (.cl), generate an intermediate .aoco object file for each kernel, and then link them together to create a .aocr file without creating a hardware configuration file, include the -rtl option in your aoc command.
  • To compile one or more kernel source files, at a command prompt, invoke the aoc -rtl <your_kernel_filename1>.cl [<your_kernel_filename2>.cl ...] command.
    Where [ <your_kernel_filename2>.cl ...] are the optional space-delimited file names of kernels that you can compile in addition to <your_kernel_filename1>.cl.
    When you invoke the aoc command with the -rtl flag, the offline compiler compiles the kernels and creates the following files and directories:
    • An intermediate .aoco file for each .cl kernel source file. It is not presented unless you specify the -save-temps aoc command option. The offline compiler then links them and generates a .aocr file. It takes the offline compiler a matter of seconds to minutes to create a .aoco file or the .aocr file.
    • A <your_kernel_filename> folder or subdirectory. It contains intermediate files that the SDK uses to build the hardware configuration file necessary for FPGA programming.
  • To compile one or more .aoco object files, at a command prompt, invoke the aoc -rtl <your_kernel_filename>.aoco [<your_kernel_filename2>.aoco ...] command.
    Where [ <your_kernel_filename2>.aoco ...] are the optional space-delimited file names of object files that you can compile in addition to <your_kernel_filename1>.aoco.
    When you invoke the aoc command with the -rtl flag, the offline compiler creates the following files and directories:
    • The offline compiler links all the .aoco files and generates a .aocr file.
    • A <your_kernel_filename> folder or subdirectory. It contains intermediate files that the SDK uses to build the hardware configuration file necessary for FPGA programming.