Visible to Intel only — GUID: ewa1426535408926
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ewa1426535408926
6.4. Accessing Custom Platform-Specific Functions
The clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA extension specifies an API that retrieves a pointer to a user-accessible function from the Custom Platform.
Definitions of the extension interfaces are available in the INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT/host/include/CL/cl_ext_intelfpga.h file.
void* clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA ( const char* function_name, cl_device_id device );
function_name is the name of the user-accessible function that your Custom Platform vendor provides,
device is the device ID returned by the clGetDeviceIDs function.
To access the clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA API via the Installable Client Driver (ICD), ensure that the ICD extension API clGetExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA retrieves the pointer to the clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA API first.
The following code example shows how you can access the Custom Platform-specific function via ICD:
clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA_fn clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA = (clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA_fn) clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform (platform, "clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA"); if (clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA == NULL){ printf ("Failed to get clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA\n"); } void * board_extension_function_ptr = clGetBoardExtensionFunctionAddressIntelFPGA("function_name",device_id);