External Memory Interface Handbook Volume 3: Reference Material: For UniPHY-based Device Families

ID 683841
Date 3/06/2023
Document Table of Contents

12.5. LPDDR2 Timing Diagrams

This topic contains timing diagrams for UniPHY-based external memory interface IP for LPDDR2 protocols.
Figure 87. Half-Rate LPDDR2 Read

Notes for the above Figure:

  1. Controller receives read command.
  2. Controller issues activate command to PHY.
  3. PHY issues activate command to memory.
  4. Controller issues read command to PHY.
  5. PHY issues read command to memory.
  6. PHY receives read data from memory.
  7. Controller receives read data from PHY.
  8. User logic receives read data from controller.
Figure 88. Half-Rate LPDDR2 Write

Notes for the above Figure:

  1. Controller receives write command.
  2. Controller receives write data.
  3. Controller issues activate command to PHY.
  4. PHY issues activate command to memory.
  5. Controller issues write command to PHY.
  6. PHY issues write command to memory.
  7. Controller sends write data to PHY.
  8. PHY sends write data to memory.
Figure 89. Full-Rate LPDDR2 Read

Notes for the above Figure:

  1. Controller receives read command.
  2. Controller issues activate command to PHY.
  3. PHY issues activate command to memory.
  4. Controller issues read command to PHY.
  5. PHY issues read command to memory.
  6. PHY receives read data from memory.
  7. Controller receives read data from PHY.
  8. User logic receives read data from controller.
Figure 90. Full-Rate LPDDR2 Write

Notes for the above Figure:

  1. Controller receives write command.
  2. Controller receives write data.
  3. Controller issues activate command to PHY.
  4. PHY issues activate command to memory.
  5. Controller issues write command to PHY.
  6. PHY issues write command to memory.
  7. Controller sends write data to PHY.
  8. PHY sends write data to memory.