Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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Document Table of Contents altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in Module

The altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in module allows you to de-multiplex inputs to a PR partition wrapper for all PR personas.
Instantiate one multiplexer per input port. Specify the active persona using the sel port of the multiplexer. Parameterize the component to specify the number of persona outputs, the multiplexer width, and the MUX output for any disabled output. When using the altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in to mux a clock input, use the DISABLED_OUTPUT_VAL of 0, to ensure there are no simulation clock events of the disabled personas.
module altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in#(
   parameter NUM_PERSONA = 1,
   parameter WIDTH = 1,
   parameter [0:0] DISABLED_OUTPUT_VAL = 1'bx
) (
   input int sel,
   input wire [WIDTH-1:0] mux_in,
   output reg [WIDTH-1 : 0] mux_out [NUM_PERSONA-1:0]
   always_comb begin
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PERSONA; i++)
         if (i == sel)
            mux_out[i] = mux_in;
            mux_out[i] = {WIDTH{DISABLED_OUTPUT_VAL}};
endmodule : altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in
The <QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR> /eda/sim_lib/ file defines the altera_pr_wrapper_mux_in component.