Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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2.7.4. Evaluating PR Region Initial Conditions

Unintended initial conditions in a PR region can lead to errors during partial reconfiguration. Your design may include unintended initial conditions, especially if you port a design not originally intended for partial reconfiguration. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software reports any initial conditions in the PR partitions for your evaluation following synthesis.

After compiling the base revision that defines the partition, you can view the Registers with Explicit Power-Up Settings report for the partition to identify, locate, and correct any unintended initial conditions. For a specific PR partition, you can view the power-up initial values after synthesizing the base revision in the Synthesis report. The Synthesis report includes power-up initial values in the Partition Statistics section.

Figure 26. Partition Statistics in Synthesis Report

The Messages window also generates a warning or error message about any initial conditions during synthesis processing. After evaluating the initial condition, you can determine whether the condition is correct for design functionality, or change the design to remove dependence on an initial condition that is incompatible with partial reconfiguration.