Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 11/30/2024
Document Table of Contents Resources Pane

The Resources pane allows you to declare status flags and counters for your Custom Triggering Flow's conditional expressions.

  • You can increment/decrement counters or set/clear status flags within your triggering flow.
  • You can specify up to 20 counters and 20 status flags.
  • To initialize counter and status flags, right-click the row in the table and select Set Initial Value.
  • To specify a counter width, right-click the counter in the table and select Set Width.
  • To assist in debugging your trigger flow specification, the logic analyzer dynamically updates counters and flag values after acquisition starts.

The Configurable at runtime settings allow you to control which options can change at runtime without requiring a recompilation.

Table 14.  Runtime Reconfigurable Settings, State-Based Triggering Flow
Setting Description
Destination of goto action Allows you to modify the destination of the state transition at runtime.
Comparison values Allows you to modify comparison values in Boolean expressions at runtime. In addition, you can modify the segment_trigger and trigger action post-fill count argument at runtime.
Comparison operators Allows you to modify the operators in Boolean expressions at runtime.
Logical operators Allows you to modify the logical operators in Boolean expressions at runtime.