Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 11/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.13. Signal Tap File Templates

Signal Tap file templates provide preset settings for various trigger conditions, interfaces, and state-based triggering flows. The following Signal Tap file templates are available whenever you open a new Signal Tap session or create a new .stp file.

Right-click any template in the New File from Template dialog box, and then click Set as the default selection to always open new .stp files in that template by default.

Settings Default Signal Tap File Template
Note: Refer to the New File from Template dialog box for complete descriptions of all templates.
Table 26.  Quick Start Signal Tap File Templates
Template Summary Description
Default The most basic and compact setup that is suitable for many debugging needs
Default with Hidden Hierarchy and Data Log The same setup as the Default template, with additional Hierarchy Display and Data Log windows for trigger condition setup.
State-Based Trigger Flow Control Starts with three conditions setup to replicate the basic sequential trigger flow control.
Conditional Storage Qualifier Enables the Conditional storage qualifier and Basic OR condition. This setup provides a versatile storage qualifier condition expression.
Transitional Storage Qualifier Enables the Transitional storage qualifier. The Transitional storage qualifier simply detects changes in data.
Start-Stop Storage Qualifier Enables the Start/Stop storage qualifier and the Basic OR condition. Provides two conditions to frame the data.
State-Based Storage Qualifier Provides more sophisticated qualification conditions for use with state machine expressions. You must use the State-Based Storage Qualifier template in conjunction with the state-based trigger flow control
Input Port Storage Qualifier Enables the Input port storage qualifier to provide total control of the storage qualifier condition by supporting development of custom logic outside of the Signal Tap logic hierarchy.
Trivial Advanced Trigger Condition Enables the Advanced trigger condition. The Advanced condition provides the most flexibility to express complex conditions. The Advanced trigger condition scales from a simple wire to the most complex logical expression. This template starts with the simplest condition.
Trigger Position Defined Using Sample Count Supports specifying an exact number of samples to store after the trigger position, using the State-Based Trigger Flow Control template as a reference.
Cross-triggering Between STP Instances Enables "Cross-triggering by using the Trigger out from one instance as the Trigger in of another instance, when using multiple Signal Tap instances.
Setup for Incremental Compilation Specifies a fixed input width for signal inputs. This technique allows efficient incremental compilation by reducing the amount of Signal Tap logic change, and by adding only post-fit nodes to tap.
Define Trigger Condition in RTL Supports defining a custom trigger condition in the RTL language of your choice.
Table 27.   Standard Interface Signal Tap File Templates
Template Summary Description
Capture Avalon Memory Mapped Transactions Allows you to use the storage qualifier feature to store only meaningful Avalon® memory-mapped interface transactions.
Simple Avalon Streaming Interface Bus Performance Analysis Supports recording of event time for analysis of the data packet flow in an Avalon® streaming interface.
Use Counters in the State-based Flow Control to Collect Stats Use counters to track of the number of packets produced (pkt_counter), number of data beats produced (pkt_beat_counter), and number of data beats consumed (stream_beat_counter).
Table 28.  State-Based Triggering Design Flow Examples Signal Tap File Templates
Template Setup Description
Trigger on an Event Absent for Greater Than or Equal to 5 Clock Cycles Requires setup of one basic trigger condition in the Setup tab to the value that you want.
Trigger on Event Absent for Less Than 5 Clock Cycles Requires setup of one basic trigger condition in the Setup tab to the value that you want.
Trigger on 5th Occurrence of a Group Value Requires setup of one basic trigger condition in the Setup tab to the value that you want.
Trigger on the 5th Transition of a Group Value Requires setup of an edge-sensitive trigger condition to detect all bus transitions to the desired group value. Requires edge detection for any data bus bit logically ANDed with a comparison to the desired group value. An advanced trigger condition is necessary in this case.
Trigger After Condition1 is Followed by Condition2 Requires setup of three basic trigger conditions in the Setup tab to the values you specify. The first two trigger conditions are set to the desired group values. The third trigger condition is set to capture some type of idle transaction across the bus between the first and second conditions.
Trigger on Condition1 Immediately Followed by Condition2 Requires setup of two basic trigger conditions in the Setup tab to the group values that you want.
Trigger on Condition2 Not Occurring Between Condition1 and Condition3 Requires setup of three basic trigger conditions in the Setup tab to the group values that you want.
Trigger on the 5th Consecutive Occurrence of Condition1 Requires setup of one basic trigger condition in the Setup tab to the value you want.
Trigger After a Violation of Sequence From Condition1 To Condition4 Requires setup of four basic trigger conditions to the sequence values that you want.
Trigger on a Sequence of Edges Requires setup of three edge-sensitive basic trigger conditions for the sequence that you want.
Trigger on Condition1 Followed by Condition2 After 5 Clock Cycles Requires setup of two basic trigger conditions to the group values that you want.
Trigger on Condition1 Followed by Condition2 Within 5 Samples Requires setup of two basic trigger conditions to the group values that you want.
Trigger on Condition1 Not Followed by Condition2 Within 5 Samples Requires setup of two basic trigger conditions to the group values that you want.
Trigger After 5 Consecutive Transitions Requires setup of a trigger condition to capture any transition activity on the monitored bus. This example requires an Advanced trigger condition because the example requires an OR condition.
Trigger When Condition1 Occurs Less Than 5 Times Between Condition2 and Condition3 Requires setup of three edge-sensitive trigger conditions, with each trigger condition containing a comparison to the desired group value.