HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 4/10/2023

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6.1.2. Sink Descrambler, TMDS/TERC4 Decoder

The sink TMDS/TERC4 decoder follows the HDMI/DVI specification. The core enable descrambling automatically when it detects the Scramble_Enable bit of the SCDC registers.

The sink core feeds the aligned channels into the TMDS/TERC4 decoder. You can parameterize the decoder to operate in 1, 2, or 4 TMDS symbols per clock. If you choose 2 or 4 TMDS symbols per clock, the decoder will produce 2 or 4 decoded symbols per clock. The decoded symbols per clock output supports high pixel clock resolutions on low-end FPGA devices.