Intel® Agilex™ F-Series and I-Series General-Purpose I/O User Guide

ID 683780
Date 6/14/2022

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Document Table of Contents Intel® FPGA IP Generation Output

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software generates the following output file structure for individual IPs that are not part of a Platform Designer system.
Figure 47. Individual IP Generation Output

Table 57.  Output Files of Intel® FPGA IP Generation
File Name Description
<your_ip>.ip Top-level IP variation file that contains the parameterization of an IP in your project. If the IP variation is part of a Platform Designer system, the parameter editor also generates a .qsys file.
<your_ip>.cmp The VHDL Component Declaration (.cmp) file is a text file that contains local generic and port definitions that you use in VHDL design files.
<your_ip>_generation.rpt IP or Platform Designer generation log file. Displays a summary of the messages during IP generation.
<your_ip>.qgsimc (Platform Designer systems only) Simulation caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the current parameterization of the Platform Designer system and IP. This comparison determines if Platform Designer can skip regeneration of the HDL.
<your_ip>.qgsynth (Platform Designer systems only) Synthesis caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the current parameterization of the Platform Designer system and IP. This comparison determines if Platform Designer can skip regeneration of the HDL.
<your_ip>.csv Contains information about the upgrade status of the IP component.
<your_ip>.bsf A symbol representation of the IP variation for use in Block Diagram Files (.bdf).
<your_ip>.spd Input file that ip-make-simscript requires to generate simulation scripts. The .spd file contains a list of files you generate for simulation, along with information about memories that you initialize.
<your_ip>.ppf The Pin Planner File (.ppf) stores the port and node assignments for IP components you create for use with the Pin Planner.
<your_ip>_bb.v Use the Verilog blackbox (_bb.v) file as an empty module declaration for use as a blackbox.
<your_ip>_inst.v or _inst.vhd HDL example instantiation template. Copy and paste the contents of this file into your HDL file to instantiate the IP variation.
<your_ip>.regmap If the IP contains register information, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software generates the .regmap file. The .regmap file describes the register map information of master and slave interfaces. This file complements the .sopcinfo file by providing more detailed register information about the system. This file enables register display views and user customizable statistics in System Console.

Allows HPS System Debug tools to view the register maps of peripherals that connect to HPS within a Platform Designer system.

During synthesis, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software stores the .svd files for slave interface visible to the System Console masters in the .sof file in the debug session. System Console reads this section, which Platform Designer queries for register map information. For system slaves, Platform Designer accesses the registers by name.



HDL files that instantiate each submodule or child IP for synthesis or simulation.
mentor/ Contains a msim_setup.tcl script to set up and run a ModelSim* simulation.
aldec/ Contains a Riviera-PRO* script rivierapro_setup.tcl to setup and run a simulation.



Contains a shell script to set up and run a VCS* simulation.

Contains a shell script and synopsys_sim.setup file to set up and run a VCS* MX simulation.

/xcelium Contains an Xcelium* Parallel simulator shell script and other setup files to set up and run a simulation.
/submodules Contains HDL files for the IP submodule.
<IP submodule>/ Platform Designer generates /synth and /sim sub-directories for each IP submodule directory that Platform Designer generates.