Step 1: Create your Design
The Intel® Quartus® Prime software organizes and manages the elements of your design within a project. The project encapsulates information about your design hierarchy, libraries, constraints, and project settings. The New Project Wizard helps you to quickly setup and create a new design project.
Figure 1. New Project Wizard
To create a project with the New Project Wizard:
- In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition main window, click .
- Specify project directory, name, and top-level entity.
- Add design files and libraries.
- Specify Intel® FPGA device or Intel® FPGA Development Kit/Board.
- Specify Design Entry/Synthesis, simulation, and board-level tools.
- For Intel® Quartus® Prime Synthesis, select <None>.
- Review project settings and click Finish.
After the New Project Wizard generates the project, you can create design files using the full-featured schematic and text editors that the Intel® Quartus® Prime software provides. In addition, you can combine your logic design files with Intel and third-party IP core design files, including combining components into a Platform Designer system (.qsys).