Intel® Stratix® 10 Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation User Guide

ID 683704
Date 9/26/2022

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2.2.2. CvP Update Mode

CvP update mode is a reconfiguration scheme that allows a host device to deliver an updated bitstream to a target FPGA device after the device enters user mode. In this mode, the FPGA device initializes by loading the full configuration image from any supported configuration scheme to the FPGA or after CvP initialization. Prior CvP initialization is not a prerequisite for performing a CvP update.

In user mode, the PCIe* links are available for normal PCIe* applications. You can use the CvP PCIe* link to perform an FPGA core image update. To perform the FPGA core image update, you can create one or more FPGA core images in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software that have identical connections to the periphery image.

Figure 2. Periphery and Core Image Storage Arrangement for CvP Core Image UpdateThe periphery image remains the same for different core image updates. If you change the periphery image, you must reprogram the local configuration device with the new periphery image.