Intel® Stratix® 10 Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation User Guide

ID 683704
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents CvP Error Recovery

This section describes expected behavior during different error situations.
Table 2.   Intel® Stratix® 10 CvP Error Events and Suggested Recovery Methods
Error Events Suggested Recovery Method
A bitstream is corrupted within the first 168KB of data. The CVP_CONFIG_ERROR bit in the CvP status register goes high. Go through the Teardown sequence prior to sending another bitstream.
A bitstream is corrupted after the first 168KB of data. The CVP_CONFIG_ERROR bit in the CvP status register goes high. To recover the system, you must power-cycle the targeted Intel® Stratix® 10 device.
PCIe* bus error during CvP System is unrecoverable and you must power-cycle the system.
PCIe* bus error results in PERST assert. System is unrecoverable and you must power-cycle the system.
CvP operation requests to abort Unsupported. Aborting configuration after requesting CvP operation is not supported. Intel® recommends to power-cycle the system.
A bitstream is provided from a Intel® Quartus® Prime version other than the one used to generate configuration firmware currently running in the device. The CVP_CONFIG_ERROR bit in the CvP status register goes high. Go through the Teardown sequence prior to sending another bitstream. Mixing bitstreams from different Quartus versions is not supported.