Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 4/01/2024

A newer version of this document is available. Customers should click here to go to the newest version.

Document Table of Contents

7.7. Using the ECO Compilation Flow Revision History

The following revision history applies to this chapter:

Table 45.  Document Revision History
Document Version Quartus® Prime Version Changes
2024.04.01 24.1
  • Applied initial Altera rebranding throughout.
2020.09.28 20.3
  • Revised chapter title to "Using the ECO Compilation Flow."
  • Added descriptions of new unplace_node and delete_node commands.
  • Described new support for placement of flip-flop nodes and exact locations in place_node command topic.
  • Described new support for creation of flip-flop nodes in create_new_node command topic.
  • Updated limitations in "ECO Command Limitations to remove obsolete limitations."
  • Revised wording of introduction.
  • Added report screenshots to "Viewing ECO Compilation Reports" topic.
2020.05.08 20.1
  • Added descriptions of new create_new_node, place_node, and create_wirelut commands.
  • Referenced support for multi-node ECOs in make_connection, remove_connection, and create_wirelut command topics.
  • Referenced Support for ECO connections to Hyper-Registers in the make_connection topic.
  • Described updates to ECO reporting in "Viewing ECO Compilation Reports."
  • Updated limitations in "ECO Command Limitations."
  • Added ECO Command Quick Reference
2019.09.30 19.3.0
  • Added information about tieoff option for make_connection command.
  • Added support for modify_io_slew_rate command.
  • Added support for modify_io_current_strength command.
  • Added support for modify_io_delay_chain command.
  • Added "Viewing ECO Compilation Reports" topic.
  • Added information about num option for modify_lutmask command.
  • Mentioned RTL Viewer for locating node names.
  • Added device support note.
2019.07.01 19.2.0
  • First release of chapter.