Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Base Exploration Dashboard Properties

This section describes the Exploration Dashboard objects and properties that you can configure and use for aggregating and comparing compilation results in the Exploration Dashboard.

The following base objects and properties are common across all objects and accessible using set_property and get_property.

Table 28.  Base Exploration Dashboard Objects and Properties
Property Name Property Type Property Description Default Value Read-Only Comments
type Either: project, group, or workspace Type of the object N/A (must be specified) True
id string Identifier associated with the object Automatically generated based on the type (for example, project_1) All IDs must be globally unique within a Workspace. Constructing an object causes an error if you specify an ID that is already allocated to another object.
user_data string Arbitrary data you want to store N/A   You can optionally access user_data using methods described below.

::qed::set_user_data and ::qed::get_user_data Specializations

In addition to set_property and get_property user_data also supports the set_user_data and get_user_data specializations for access. These specializations allow for more convenience when using the recommended (but unrequired) method of managing user_data like a Tcl dictionary.

For example, you can use the qed::get_property command to retrieve the value of the user_data property. You could then treat it as a dict and use dict get or dict set commands to manipulate the value, and optionally store any changes with the qed::set_property command.

The following shows equivalent examples using the two methods discussed:

::qed::get_user_data <object> -key <key>

is equivalent to:

set tmp [::qed::get_property <object> -property user_data]
dict get $tmp <key>


::qed::set_user_data <object> -key <key> -value <value>

is equivalent to:

set tmp [qed::get_property <object> -property user_data]
dict set tmp <key> <value>
::qed::set_property <object> -property user_data -value $tmp