Visible to Intel only — GUID: ujy1692756230893
4.3.1. General-Purpose Register File
4.3.2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
4.3.3. Multipy and Divide Units
4.3.4. Floating-Point Unit
4.3.5. Custom Instruction
4.3.6. Reset and Debug Signals
4.3.7. Control and Status Registers
4.3.8. Exception Controller
4.3.9. Interrupt Controller
4.3.10. Memory and I/O Organization
4.3.11. RISC-V based Debug Module
4.3.12. Error Correction Code (ECC)
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ujy1692756230893
2.3.2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) operates on data stored in general-purpose registers. ALU operations take one or two inputs from registers and store the result back into the register.
Category | Description |
Arithmetic | Addition and subtraction on signed and unsigned operands. |
Relational | Equal, not-equal, greater-than-or-equal, and less-than relational operations (==, != >=, <). |
Logical | AND, OR, NOR, and XOR logical operations. |
Shift | Logical and arithmetic shift operations. |
For load and store instructions, the Nios® V/c processor uses the ALU to calculate the memory address. For conditional control transfer instructions, Nios® V/c processor uses the relational operations in the ALU to determine if the processor takes or leaves the branch.