F-Tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683622
Date 12/04/2023

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Document Table of Contents

1.4. Performance and Resource Utilization

This section covers the resources and expected performance numbers for selected variations of the Interlaken IP core using the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software. Your results may slightly vary depending on the device you select.

For a comprehensive list of supported configurations, refer to Table 1. IP Supported Combinations of Number of Lanes and Data Rates

Table 4.  Resource Utilization for Interleaved Mode (number of segments = 1)The following numbers were obtained using the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.4
Transceiver Mode PMA Type Data Rate (Gbps) Number of Lanes Resource Utilization
ALMs Logic Registers M20K Blocks
Primary Secondary
NRZ FGT 6.25 4 18462.1 41,093 7,863 28
10.3125 8 37743.9 76,489 13,690 52
12 58116.7 112,561 19,257 73
12.5 4 118480.5 41,134 7,816 28
8 37763.5 76,827 13,278 52
10 47651.6 94,214 16,538 61
12 58144.7 112,746 19,063 73
25.78125 4 18665.7 41,793 7,994 28
6 29524.6 63,817 11,663 52
8 37991.4 77,658 14,051 52
10 52907.9 109,744 18,785 100
12 62799.2 126,812 21,362 100
PAM4 FGT 26.5625 2 18296.4 45,463 8,952 28
2 (efifo) 18543.8 46,109 8,680 28
4 36932.9 84,420 15,963 52
4 (efifo) 37650.7 85,065 16.072 52
6 61780.6 137,219 23,811 100
6 (efifo) 61828.0 137,846 24,234 100
8 80873.2 178,831 30,499 100
8 (efifo) 82412.9 179,739 31,148 100
10 106017.7 229,249 37,882 121
10 (efifo) 107973.5 231,225 37,705 121
12 (EW=24)


285,599 44,856 148

12 (efifo) (EW=24)





12 (EW=32) 139817.9 306,559 47,305 196
12 (efifo) (EW=32) 142062.7 308,289 47,737 196
28.125 10 106734.0 228,843 37.714 121
10 (efifo) 107890.2 231,011 37,887 121
12 (EW=24) 133359.2 285,547 44,142 148
12 (efifo) (EW=24) 134518.7 285.633 45,074 148
12 (EW=32) 140775.5 305,761 47,299 196
12 (efifo) (EW=32) 142034.9 307,791 47,684 196
FHT 26.5625 1 (efifo) 18539.9 46,067 8,762 28
2 (efifo) 37629.5 84,751 16,430 52
3 (efifo) 61829.7 137,788 24,214 100
4 (efifo) 82397.2 179,258 30,564 100
Table 5.  Resource Utilization for Packet ModeThe following numbers were obtained using the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.4
Transceiver Mode PMA Type Data Rate (Gbps) Number of Lanes Resource Utilization
ALMs Logic Registers M20K Blocks
Primary Secondary
NRZ FGT 6.25 4 18542.6 41,272 7,736 28
10.3125 8 37767.7 76,447 13,657 52
12 58150.6 113,007 18,864 73
12.5 4 18517.2 41,130 7,867 28
8 37698.1 76,563 13,567 52
10 47660.2 94,433 16,285 61
12 58181.0 112,874 19,004 73
25.78125 4 18678.7 41,688 8,120 28
6 29549.1 63,918 11,637 52
8 37974.6 77,398 14,393 52
10 52993.2 110,193 18,286 100
12 62918.1 126,913 21,487 100
PAM4 FGT 26.5625 2 18261.4 45,597 8,795 28
2 (efifo) 18572.4 45,847 8,895 28
4 36968.9 84,313 16,030 52
4 (efifo) 37668.4 85,033 16,100 52
6 61782.0 137,262 23,655 100
6 (efifo) 61848.3 137,722 24,149 100
8 81030.8 178,550 30,919 100
8 (efifo) 82483.5 179,839 30,874 100
10 106158.6 229,421 37,910 121
10 (efifo) 107929.6 231,037 37,389 121
12 (EW=24) 132253.9 285,764 44,909 148
12(efifo) (EW=24) 134456.2 286,507 44,658 148
12 (EW=32) 139663.6 306,466 47,568 196
12 (efifo) (EW=32) 142032.8 307,525 48,073 196
28.125 10 106875.4 229,084 37,796 121
10 (efifo) 107892.5 230,967 38,150 121
12 (EW=24) 133520.9 284,248 44,952 148
12 (efifo) (EW=24) 134528.4 288,160 45,313 148
12 (EW=32) 140658.5 305,778 47,707 196
12 (efifo) (EW=32) 142005.3 308,075 47,802 196
FHT 26.5625 1 (efifo) 18573.8 45,829 8,922 28
2 (efifo) 37665.2 84,939 16,050 52
3 (efifo) 61855.9 137,992 24,016 100
4 (efifo) 82416.8 179,5381 30,857 100
Table 6.  Resource Utilization for Interlaken Look-aside ModeThe following numbers were obtained using the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.4
Transceiver Mode PMA Type Data Rate (Gbps) Number of Lanes Resource Utilization
ALMs Logic Registers M20K Blocks
Primary Secondary
NRZ FGT 6.25 4 13658.1 31098 5783 0
10.3125 8 27896.0 55644 10532 0
12 43710.0 82273 15752 0
12.5 4 13655.1 31196 5736 0
8 27857.1 55804 10451 0
10 35247.9 70464 12853 0
12 43705.6 82448 15563 0
25.78125 4 13664.9 31106 6153 0
6 20539.8 43626 8476 0
8 27871.2 55610 11034 0
10 35234.3.8 70757 13356 0
12 43756.9 82810 16251 0
PAM4 FGT 26.5625 2 13392.5 35231 6528 0
2 (efifo) 13613.3 35421 6777 0
4 27308.0 63253 12298 0
4 (efifo) 27874.6 63868 12506 0
6 42403.7 93995 17871 0
6 (efifo) 43255.5 94818 18371 0
FHT 26.5625 1 (efifo) 13603.4 35466 6718 0
2 (efifo) 27871.4 63691 12615 0
3 (efifo) 43210.5 94571 18368 0
Note: EW = user interface width (words)