Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683619
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.8.2. Viewing SSN Analysis Results in the Pin Planner

After SSN analysis completes, you can analyze the results in the Pin Planner. In the Pin Planner you can identify the SSN hotspots in your device, as well as the QL and QH noise levels.

The QL and QH results for each pin are displayed with a different color that represents whether the pin is below the warning threshold, below the critical threshold, or above the critical threshold. This color representation is also referred to as the SSN map of your FPGA device.

When you view the SSN map, you can customize which details to display, including input pins, output pins, QH signals, QL signals, and noise levels. You can also adjust the threshold levels for QH and QL noise voltages. Adjusting the threshold levels in the Pin Planner does not change the threshold levels reported during SSN analysis and does not change the data in any of the SSN reports.

You can also you change I/O assignments and board trace information and rerun the SSN Analyzer to view the SSN analysis results based on those modified settings.