Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683619
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.5. Scripting API

The I/O Designer software includes a command line Tcl interpreter. All commands input through the I/O Designer GUI translate into Tcl commands run by the tool. You can run individual Tcl commands or scripts in the I/O Designer Console window, rather than using the GUI.
You can use the following Tcl commands to control I/O Designer.
  • set_fpga_xchange_file <file name>—specifies the .fx from which the I/O Designer software updates assignments.
  • update_from_fpga_xchange_file—updates the I/O Designer database with assignment updates from the currently specified .fx.
  • generate_fpga_xchange_file—updates the .fx with I/O Designer software changes for transfer back into the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
  • set_pin_report_file -quartus_pin <file name>—imports assignment data from an Intel® Quartus® Prime software .pin file.
  • symbolwizard—runs the I/O Designer Symbol wizard.
  • set_dx_designer_project -path <path>