Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683619
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.5.2. Performing Final Pin-Out SSN Analysis

You perform final pin-out SSN analysis after you place all the pins in your design, or the Fitter places them for you, and you have complete information about the board trace models and PCB layers.

Even if your design achieves sufficient SSN results during early pin-out SSN analysis, you should run SSN analysis with the complete PCB information to ensure that SSN does not cause failures in your final design. You must specify the board parameters in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, including the PCB layer thicknesses, the signal breakout layers, and the board trace models, before you can run SSN analysis on your final assignments.

If the SSN analysis results meet the pass criteria for final pin-out SSN analysis, SSN analysis is complete. If the SSN analysis results do not meet the pass criteria, you must further optimize your design by changing the board and design parameters and then rerun the SSN Analyzer. If the design still does not meet the pass criteria, reduce the pass criteria for early pin-out SSN analysis, and restart the process. By reducing the pass criteria for early pin-out SSN analysis, you place a greater emphasis on reducing SSN through I/O settings and I/O placement. Changing the drive strength and slew rate of output and bidirectional pins, as well as adjusting the placement of different SSOs, can affect SSN results. Adjusting I/O settings and placement allows the design to meet the pass criteria for final pin-out SSN analysis after you specify the actual PCB board parameters.