Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471084311
1. Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) Analysis and Optimizations
2. Signal Integrity Analysis with Third-Party Tools
3. Mentor Graphics* PCB Design Tools Support
4. Cadence PCB Design Tools Support
5. Reviewing Printed Circuit Board Schematics with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
A. Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guides
1.1. Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) Analysis and Optimizations
1.2. Definitions
1.3. Understanding SSN
1.4. SSN Estimation Tools
1.5. SSN Analysis Overview
1.6. Design Factors Affecting SSN Results
1.7. Optimizing Your Design for SSN Analysis
1.8. Performing SSN Analysis and Viewing Results
1.9. Decreasing Processing Time for SSN Analysis
1.10. Scripting Support Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History
1.7.1. Optimizing Pin Placements for Signal Integrity
1.7.2. Specifying Board Trace Model Settings
1.7.3. Defining PCB Layers and PCB Layer Thickness
1.7.4. Specifying Signal Breakout Layers
1.7.5. Creating I/O Assignments
1.7.6. Decreasing Pessimism in SSN Analysis
1.7.7. Excluding Pins as Aggressor Signals
2.1. Signal Integrity Analysis with Third-Party Tools
2.2. I/O Model Selection: IBIS or HSPICE
2.3. FPGA to Board Signal Integrity Analysis Flow
2.4. Simulation with IBIS Models
2.5. Simulation with HSPICE Models Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History
2.4.1. Elements of an IBIS Model
2.4.2. Creating Accurate IBIS Models
2.4.3. Design Simulation Using the Mentor Graphics* HyperLynx* Software
2.4.4. Configuring LineSim to Use Intel IBIS Models
2.4.5. Integrating Intel IBIS Models into LineSim Simulations
2.4.6. Running and Interpreting LineSim Simulations
2.5.1. Supported Devices and Signaling
2.5.2. Accessing HSPICE Simulation Kits
2.5.3. The Double Counting Problem in HSPICE Simulations
2.5.4. HSPICE Writer Tool Flow
2.5.5. Running an HSPICE Simulation
2.5.6. Interpreting the Results of an Output Simulation
2.5.7. Interpreting the Results of an Input Simulation
2.5.8. Viewing and Interpreting Tabular Simulation Results
2.5.9. Viewing Graphical Simulation Results
2.5.10. Making Design Adjustments Based on HSPICE Simulations
2.5.11. Sample Input for I/O HSPICE Simulation Deck
2.5.12. Sample Output for I/O HSPICE Simulation Deck
2.5.13. Advanced Topics Applying I/O Assignments Enabling HSPICE Writer Enabling HSPICE Writer Using Assignments Naming Conventions for HSPICE Files Invoking HSPICE Writer Invoking HSPICE Writer from the Command Line Customizing Automatically Generated HSPICE Decks Header Comment Simulation Conditions Simulation Options Constant Definition I/O Buffer Netlist Drive Strength Slew Rate and Delay Chain I/O Buffer Instantiation Board and Trace Termination Double-Counting Compensation Circuitry Simulation Analysis
3.1. FPGA-to-PCB Design Flow
3.2. Integrating with I/O Designer
3.3. Integrating with DxDesigner
3.4. Analyzing FPGA Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN)
3.5. Scripting API Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History
3.2.1. Generating Pin Assignment Files
3.2.2. I/O Designer Settings
3.2.3. Transferring I/O Assignments
3.2.4. Updating I/O Designer with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pin Assignments
3.2.5. Updating Intel® Quartus® Prime with I/O Designer Pin Assignments
3.2.6. Generating Schematic Symbols in I/O Designer
3.2.7. Exporting Schematic Symbols to DxDesigner
4.1. Cadence PCB Design Tools Support
4.2. Product Comparison
4.3. FPGA-to-PCB Design Flow
4.4. Setting Up the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
4.5. FPGA-to-Board Integration with the Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL Software
4.6. FPGA-to-Board Integration with Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS Software Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History
5.1. Reviewing Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Settings
5.2. Reviewing Device Pin-Out Information in the Fitter Report
5.3. Reviewing Compilation Error and Warning Messages
5.4. Using Additional Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Features
5.5. Using Additional Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Tools Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History1. Document Revision History
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471084311
1.7.1. Optimizing Pin Placements for Signal Integrity
The SSN Optimization logic option tells the Fitter to adjust the pin placement to reduce the SSN in the design.
The SSN Optimization logic option has three possible values: Off, Normal compilation, and Extra Effort.
If you use the SSN Optimization logic option, avoid creating location assignments for your pins. Instead, let the Fitter place the pins during compilation to meet the timing performance of your design.
To display the Fitter-placed pins use the Show Fitter Placements feature in the Pin Planner. To accept these suggested pin locations, you must back-annotate your pin assignments.
Note: Setting the SSN Optimization option to Extra effort may impact your design fMAX.
Figure 8. SSN Analysis Results Before and After Using the SSN Optimization Logic OptionThe image shows the pin placement before and after turning on the SSN Optimization logic option.