Arria® 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683617
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents Word Aligner RX Byte Reversal Feature

The RX byte reversal feature is available only when the PCS-PMA interface width is 16 bits or 20 bits. This feature reverses the order of the data received from the PMA. RX byte reversal reverses the LSByte of the received data with its MSByte and vice versa. If the data received is 20-bits, bits[0..9] are swapped with bits[10..20] so that the resulting 20-bit data is [[10..20],[0..9]]. For example, if the 20-bit data is 11001100001000011111, the byte reversal feature changes the data to 10000111111100110000.