Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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5.6. Increasing Transfer Throughput

Increasing the transfer efficiency of the host and agent interfaces in your system increases the throughput of your design. Designs with strict cost or power requirements benefit from increasing the transfer efficiency because you can then use less expensive, lower frequency devices. Designs requiring high performance also benefit from increased transfer efficiency because increased efficiency improves the performance of frequency–limited hardware.

Throughput is the number of symbols (such as bytes) of data that Platform Designer can transfer in a given clock cycle. Read latency is the number of clock cycles between the address and data phase of a transaction. For example, a read latency of two means that the data is valid two cycles after the address is posted. If the host must wait for one request to finish before the next begins, such as with a processor, then the read latency is very important to the overall throughput.

You can measure throughput and latency in simulation by observing the waveforms, or using the verification IP monitors.