Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents Alternate Options for the Address Span Extender

You can set parameters for the address span extender with an initial fixed address value. Enter an address for the Reset Default for Master Window option, and select True for the Disable Slave Control Port option. This allows the address span extender to function as a fixed, non-programmable component.

Each sub-window is equal in size and stacks sequentially in the windowed agent interface's address space. To control the fixed address bits of a particular sub-window, you can write to the sub-window’s register in the register control agent interface. Platform Designer structures the logic so that Platform Designer can optimize and remove bits that are not needed.

If Burstcount Width is greater than 1, Platform Designer processes the read burst in a single cycle, and assumes all byteenable signals are asserted on every cycle.