Using the NicheStack TCP/IP Stack - Nios II Edition Tutorial

ID 683574
Date 10/04/2021
Document Table of Contents Tasks

The table below lists the MicroC/OS-II tasks that implement the Nios II Simple Socket Server application.

Table 2.  MicroC/OS-II Tasks for the Nios II Simple Socket ServerThe application creates the tasks listed in this table.
Task Description
SSSInitialTask() Creates an instance of all the MicroC/OS-II resources. Initializes the NicheStack TCP/IP Stack and the Nios II Simple Socket Server example RTOS structures and tasks.
SSSSimpleSocketServerTask() Manages the socket server connection, and calls relevant subroutines to manage the socket connection.
LEDManagementTask() Manages LEDBlinkTask, driven by commands received from a MicroC/OS-II queue, named SSSLEDCommandQ. The MicroC/OS-II mailbox, named SSSLEDFreqMailbox, passes blink rate values to the LED blink task.
The NicheStack TCP/IP Networking Stack creates two additional software component layer tasks: a main task that operates the networking stack, and a time-keeping task that the main task uses. The application creates the NicheStack TCP/IP Stack main task (tk_netmain) in the netmain() function with a priority of TK_NETMAIN_TPRIO. The application creates the time-keeping task (tk_nettick) in the netmain() call with a priority level of TK_NETTICK_TPRIO. For more information about these tasks, and how to set their priorities and stack sizes, refer to “Important NicheStack TCP/IP Stack Concepts”.