Visible to Intel only — GUID: tam1480437899174
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Nichestack Support and Licensing
1.3. Hardware and Software Requirements
1.4. Tutorial Files
1.5. Software Development Flow
1.6. Nios II Simple Socket Server Overview
1.7. Important NicheStack TCP/IP Stack Concepts
1.8. Where to Go Next
1.9. Hardware Setup Details
1.10. Document Revision History for the Using the NicheStack TCP/IP Stack - Nios II Edition Tutorial
Visible to Intel only — GUID: tam1480437899174
Ixiasoft User Networking Tasks
SSS_SIMPLE_SOCKET_SERVER_TASK_PRIORITY is set to a value of 10, a priority that is lower than the consumer task LEDManagementTask(). The priority of this application task is set lower than all of the software components’ system service tasks. This practice allows for the best overall scheduling latency, because the software component tasks are designed to operate for as short a period of time as possible.