Visible to Intel only — GUID: epq1480437604782
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Nichestack Support and Licensing
1.3. Hardware and Software Requirements
1.4. Tutorial Files
1.5. Software Development Flow
1.6. Nios II Simple Socket Server Overview
1.7. Important NicheStack TCP/IP Stack Concepts
1.8. Where to Go Next
1.9. Hardware Setup Details
1.10. Document Revision History for the Using the NicheStack TCP/IP Stack - Nios II Edition Tutorial
Visible to Intel only — GUID: epq1480437604782
Ixiasoft Inter-Task Communication Resources
The following global handles (or pointers) create and manipulate your MicroC/OS-II inter-task communication resources. All the resources begin with SSS, indicating a public resource provided by the Nios II Simple Socket Server that is shared between software modules. The SSSCreateOSDataStructs function, invoked from SSSInitialTask() declares and creates these resources in simple_socket_server.c.
- SSSLEDCommandQ—SSSLEDCommandQ is a MicroC/OS-II message queue that sends commands from the simple socket server task to the development board LED control task, LEDManagementTask().