Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 8/13/2024
Document Table of Contents Transfer Mode Operations

You can configure the NAND flash controller in one of the following modes of data transfer:
  • Default area transfer mode
  • Spare area transfer mode
  • Main+spare area transfer mode

The NAND flash controller determines the default transfer mode from the setting of transfer_spare_reg register in the config group. Use MAP10 commands to dynamically change the transfer mode from the existing mode to the new mode. All subsequent commands are in the new mode of transfer. You must consider that transfer modes can be changed at logical data transfer boundaries. For example:

  • At the beginning or end of a page in case of single page read or write.
  • At the beginning or end of a complete multi‑page pipeline read or write command.