Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 1/31/2025
Document Table of Contents EMAC

You can program the emac_global register to select either emac_ptp_clk from the Clock Manager or f2h_ptp_ref_clk from the FPGA fabric as the source of the IEEE 1588 reference clock for each EMAC.

You can program the system manager's emac* register to control the EMAC's ARCACHE and AWCACHE signals. These bits define the cache attributes for the master transactions of the DMA engine in the EMAC controllers.


Register bits must be accessed only when the master interface is guaranteed to be in an inactive state.

The phy_intf_sel bit is programmed to select between a GMII (MII), RGMII or RMII PHY interface when the peripheral is released from reset. The ptp_ref_sel bit in the emac* registers selects if the timestamp reference is internally or externally generated. The ptp_ref_sel bit must be set to the correct value before the EMAC core is pulled out of reset.

Note: EMAC0 must be set to internal timestamp.