Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 1/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

11.3.4. Hardware Sequenced Clock Groups

The hardware sequenced clock groups consists of the MPU clocks and the Interconnect clocks. The following diagram shows the external bypass muxes, hardware-managed external counters and dividers, and clock gates. For hardware-managed clocks, the group of clocks has only one software enable for the clock gate. As a result, the group of clocks are all enabled or disabled together. The slight exception is the Interconnect has five and MPU has two software enables.
Table 98.   Interconnect Clock Software Enables
Software Enable Access Description
csclken RW Enables Debug clock output (cs_at_clk, cs_pdbg_clk, cs_trace_clk)
l4spclken RW Enables clock l4_sp_clk output
l4mpclken RW Enables clock l4_mp_clk output
l4mainclken RW Enables clock l4_main_clk output
Table 99.  MPU Clock Software Enables
Software Enable Access Description
mpuclken RW Enables mpu_clk, mpu_periph_clk, and mpu_ccu_clk to MPU interface
Figure 31. Hardware Clock Groups
Table 100.  The Hardware Sequenced Clocks Feature Summary
Clock Output Group System Clock Name Frequency18 value. Boot Frequency Uses
MPU mpu_clk PLL C0 boot_clk MPU system complex, including CPU0-3
mpu_ccu_clk mpu_clk/2 boot_clk MPU level 2 (L2) RAM
mpu_periph_clk mpu_clk/4 boot_clk MPU peripherals such as interrupts, timers, and watchdog
Interconnect l3_main_free_clk PLL C1 boot_clk L3 interconnect
l4_sys_free_clk l3_main_free_clk/{2,4} boot_clk/2 L4 interconnect
l4_main_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,2,4,8} boot_clk L4 main bus
l4_mp_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,2,4,8} boot_clk L4 MP bus
l4_sp_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,2,4,8} boot_clk/2 L4 SP bus
cs_at_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,2,4,8} boot_clk CoreSight debug trace bus
cs_pdbg_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,4} boot_clk/2 Debug Access Port (DAP) and debug peripheral bus
cs_trace_clk l3_main_free_clk/{1,2,4,8} cs_at_clk/4 boot_clk/4 CoreSight debug trace port Interface Unit (TPIU)
18 All clock frequencies must be less than the Fmax