Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1421698016124
1.1. Altera Arria 10 Unique Chip ID IP Core v16.0
1.2. ASMI Parallel Intel FPGA IP Core v18.0
1.3. Intel FPGA Advanced SEU Detection IP Core v17.1
1.4. Altera Advanced SEU Detection IP Core v14.1
1.5. Altera Dual Configuration v14.0 Update 2
1.6. Altera CRC Error Verify IP Core v16.0
1.7. Altera Error Message Register Unloader IP Core v16.0
1.8. Altera EMR Unloader IP Core v14.1
1.11. GPIO Intel FPGA IP v18.0
1.12. Intel FPGA GPIO IP Core v17.1
1.13. Altera GPIO IP Core v14.0 Arria 10 Edition
1.14. Altera GPIO Lite IP Core v14.0 Update 2
1.15. LVDS SERDES Intel® FPGA IP v18.0
1.16. Intel FPGA LVDS SERDES IP Core v17.1
1.17. Altera LVDS SERDES IP Core v17.0
1.18. Altera LVDS SERDES IP Core v14.1
1.19. Altera LVDS SERDES IP Core v14.0 Arria 10 Edition
1.20. Clock Control Block (ALTCLKCTRL) IP Core v17.0
1.22. ALTIOBUF IP Core v17.0
1.23. ALTMULT_ACCUM IP Core v17.0
1.24. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Intel FPGA IP Core v18.0
1.25. ALTMULT_COMPLEX IP Core v17.1
1.26. ALTMULT_COMPLEX IP Core v17.0
1.27. ALTMULT_COMPLEX IP Core v16.0
1.28. ALTPLL IP Core v17.0
1.29. ALTSQRT IP Core v17.0
1.30. Multiply Adder Intel FPGA IP Core v18.0
1.31. Intel FPGA Multiply Adder v17.1
1.32. ALTMULT_ADD IP Core v17.0
1.33. ALTERA_MULT_ADD IP Core v16.0
1.34. Altera Modular ADC IP Core v14.0 Update 2
1.35. Altera On-Chip Flash IP Core v15.1
1.36. Altera On-Chip Flash IP Core v14.0 Update 2
1.37. Altera On-Chip Flash IP Core v14.1
1.38. Altera Parallel Flash Loader IP Core v17.0
1.39. Altera Soft LVDS IP Core v14.0 Update 2
1.40. OCT Intel® FPGA IP v18.0
1.41. Intel FPGA OCT IP Core v17.1
1.42. Altera OCT IP Core v14.0 Arria 10 Edition
1.43. Altera Remote Update IP Core v17.0
1.44. Altera Serial Flash Loader IP Core v17.0
1.45. Intel FPGA Voltage Sensor IP Core v17.1
1.46. Altera Voltage Sensor IP Core v15.0
1.47. FIFO IP Core v17.1
1.48. FIFO IP Core v16.0
1.49. FIFO2 IP Core v17.1
1.50. Intel FPGA Fault Injection IP Core v17.1
1.51. Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ATLPLL_RECONFIG) IP Core v17.0
1.52. Intel FPGA PLL Reconfig v17.1
1.53. Intel FPGA S10 Configuration Clock v17.1
1.54. Intel FPGA Temperature Sensor IP Core v17.1
1.55. Internal Oscillator v17.1
1.56. Internal Oscillator IP Core v14.0 Update 2
1.57. LPM_ADD_SUB IP Core v17.0
1.58. LPM_COMPARE IP Core v17.0
1.59. LPM_COUNTER IP Core v17.0
1.60. LPM_DIVIDE IP Core v17.0
1.61. LPM_MULT Intel FPGA IP Core v18.0
1.62. LPM_MULT IP Core v17.1
1.63. LPM_MULT IP Core v17.0
1.64. LPM_MULT IP Core v16.0
1.65. LPM_SHIFTREG IP Core v17.0
1.66. LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores v17.0
1.67. PARALLEL_ADD IP Core v17.0
1.68. RAM: 2-Port IP Core v17.1
1.69. RAM: 1-port, RAM: 2-port, ROM: 1-port, and ROM: 2-port IP Cores v17.0
1.70. RAM: 2-port v16.0 Arria 10 Edition
1.71. RAM: 1-port and RAM: 2-port v14.0 Arria 10 Edition
1.72. SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores v15.1
1.73. SLD Hub Controller System v14.1
1.74. Time-of-day Clock IP Core v16.0
Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1421698016124
1.4. Altera Advanced SEU Detection IP Core v14.1
Description | Impact |
Added support for double-adjacent SEU sensitivity processing. | Initiates an .smh lookup for correctable double-adjacent EDCRC errors instead of identifying such SEU as critical. |
Added critical_clear signal to errors interface | - |
Added busy signal to errors interface | For on-chip processing configuration only. |