R-tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683544
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Testbench Modules

The top-level of the testbench instantiates the following main modules:
  • altpcietb_bfm_rp_gen5x16.sv —This is the Root Port PCIe* BFM.
    //Directory path
  • pcie_ed_dut.ip: This is the Endpoint design with the parameters that you specify.
    //Directory path
  • pcie_ed_pio0.ip: This module is a target and initiator of transactions for the PIO design example.
    //Directory path

In addition, the testbench has routines that perform the following tasks:

  • Generates the reference clock for the Endpoint at the required frequency.
  • Provides a PCI Express reset at start up.