Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer: User Guide

ID 683448
Date 10/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Repeater/Retimer TX Configuration

  • IBIS Files: Click the file open button (see Repeater/Retimer TX IBIS-AMI Configuration) next to the IBIS File text box to select an IBIS model file. Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer scans through the IBIS file and allocates all available transmitter components and models. If Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer encounters the following issues in opening or interpreting the IBIS-AMI model, a warning message is displayed.
    • No transmitter component or model can be located.
    • The DLL for the computer platform cannot be located. The IBIS-AMI model is platform dependent. For example, a 32-bit DLL is required to simulate in a 32-bit link simulator and a 64-bit DLL is required to simulate in a 64-bit simulator. A 32-bit DLL cannot simulate in a 64-bit DLL simulator.
    • The DLL occupies too much memory and Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer was not able to load it. However, Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer might be able to run the simulation with such a DLL because of memory allocation differences in the Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer GUI and the simulation engine.
  • Component: Select an IBIS component from the IBIS model
  • IBIS tab
    • Model: Select a device model within a component of an IBIS model.
    • Model Selector: Select a model from the model selector list.
    • Corner: Select the corner type of a device model. The choices are Typ, Min, and Max.
    • AMI File: Shows the AMI file specified in the IBIS model.
      Note: Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer currently only supports device models with AMI modeling components.
    • DLL File: Shows the DLL file specified in the IBIS model.
    • Use External Termination: Indicates that an external termination is used in the simulation. The external termination (single-ended) is specified in the text box on the right. The default setting is not using external termination and the default external termination (if applicable) is 50 ohms (single-ended).
    • Use Rising/Falling Waveform: If rising/falling waveforms are available in the IBIS model, the rising/falling waveforms are used to model the transmitter by default. If you turn off this option, ramp data (in the IBIS model) is used in the simulation.
    • Automatic Jitter/Noise Update: Allows automatic jitter/noise updates from the IBIS-AMI model (available for models which are compliant with IBIS-AMI 6.0 and later).
      Note: If you noticed very slow GUI response with certain IBIS-AMI models, turn off Automatic Jitter/Noise Update to see if the condition improves. You can import jitter/noise number using Manual Jitter/Noise Update.
    • Manual Jitter/Noise Update: When the Automatic Jitter/Noise Update option is disabled, turning on this option allows you to manually update the jitter/noise figures from the IBIS-AMI model (available for models which are compliant with IBIS-AMI 6.0 and later).
    • DLL_Path: Specify a folder or path name where the supporting files of an IBIS-AMI model are stored. Refer to the IBIS standards for details.
    • Model Option: Choose Default.
    • Ideal Front-end Limiting Amplifier: If on, Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer inserts an ideal limiting amplifier before the repeater/retimer driver stage with a waveform differential amplitude of 1 V.
  • AMI tab: Refer to IBIS-AMI Transmitter in the Characterization Data Access section for details.
  • Jitter/Noise: Refer to IBIS-AMI Transmitter in the Characterization Data Access section for details.
  • Status tab: Refer to IBIS-AMI Transmitter in the Characterization Data Access section for details.
  • Jitter/Noise Options: Internal use only. Do not use and let it remain in its default state.
Figure 87. Repeater/Retimer TX IBIS-AMI Configuration
Figure 88. Repeater/Retimer TX AMI Tab
Figure 89. Repeater/Retimer TX Status Tab