Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer: User Guide

ID 683448
Date 10/03/2023

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2.3. Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer Module

The Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer provides a convenient way of observing and comparing channel characteristics. The following types of channel characteristics, which are represented by Touchstone S-parameter format, can be displayed in the Channel Viewer:

  • Standard-mode / Single-ended S-parameter—for example, S11, S12, S21
  • Mixed-mode / Differential S-parameters—for example: Sdd11, Sdd21, Scd21
  • Frequency Domain Plots: Amplitude and propagation/group delay plots
  • Time Domain Plots: Impulse responses and single-bit responses

Channel Viewer also provides channel compliance checks and channel analysis. Use these features to observe a channel's characteristics and its associated signal integrity matrices.

Figure 130. Start Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer from Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Controller Module

There are four ways to start Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer:

  • Double-click the adv_link_analyzer_channel_viewer.exe icon in Windows Explorer.
  • Click Channel Viewer in the Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Control Module's Tool menu to start a new Channel Viewer.
  • Click Channel Viewer in the Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Control Module’s Channel tab. When you start Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer from the Channel tab, the channel information from the link configuration is transferred to the Channel View and is ready for viewing.
  • Select a channel in Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Control Module’s Link Designer, right-click, and select View in Channel Viewer.

The following figure shows the Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer user interface. The viewer has six panels that allow you to select and control the channel plot options.

Figure 131.  Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer User Interface

The following figure shows the Channel Viewer GUI panel partitions.

Figure 132.  Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer GUI Panel Partitions