Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 3/28/2022

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Document Table of Contents design::import_design (::quartus::design)

The following table displays information for the design::import_design Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::design

Syntax design::import_design [-h | -help] [-long_help] -file <file> [-overwrite] [-timing_analysis_mode]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-file <file> The file.qdb to import from
-overwrite overwrites the databases in the active qdb directory
-timing_analysis_mode Import the design for Timing Analysis. User will not be able to generate programming file after importing design with this option. See -timing_analysis_mode option description below.
Import all the databases from the specified <file>.qdb.

If overwrite is specified then databases will be overwritten in the active qdb

The database revision in the <file>.qdb must match the active revision.

This command is available only in the quartus_cdb executable.



    Import the design for Timing Analysis. This option disables legality checks
    for certain configuration rules which may have changed from prior versions
    of Quartus Prime Pro.
    Use this option only if you were unable to successfully import your design
    without this option. After a design has been imported in timing analysis mode,
    the imported database will not be able to be used to generate programming files.
Example Usage
# For the pro/quartus/sys/dsgn tests we need to export
# a design first so there's a design to import
project_open onewire_nf
design::export_design -file onewire.qdb -snapshot synthesized

project_open onewire_nf
design::import_design -file onewire.qdb -overwrite
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The specified archive <string> does not exist.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Databases already exist for the specified revision <string>. Use -overwrite to overwrite them.