Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683419
Date 11/09/2023

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1.8.1. Flash Operations that Require Operation Code

The following flash operations require an operation code:

  • Write enable
  • Enter 4-byte addressing mode
  • Exit 4-byte addressing mode
  • Clear flag status register
  • Clear status register

The following registers are used for operations that require an operation code:

  • Flash command setting register
  • Flash command control register

Perform the Write Enable Operation for the Flash

proc write_enable { } {
global mp flash_cmd_setting flash_cmd_ctrl flash_cmd_write_data_0
master_write_32 $mp $flash_cmd_setting 0x00000006
master_write_32 $mp $flash_cmd_ctrl 0x1

To perform the write enable operation for the flash, follow these steps:

  1. Define the global variables.
  2. Customize the write enable operation by writing to the flash command setting register.
    1. Set bit [7:0] of this register to 06 as 06h is the operation code of the write enable operation.
  3. Write 1 to bit 0 of the flash command control register to start the write enable operation.